List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Climate and space science 125
Maximum Salary:$ 345,190.00
Average Salary:$ 129,559.42
Minimum Salary:$ 53,560.00

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 5
Name Title Department FTR GF
Livi, Stefano RESEARCH PROFESSOR Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 345,190.00 $ 17,259.50
Slavin, James Arthur PROFESSOR EMERITUS/A Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 338,863.56 $ 0.00
Battel, Steven James ADJUNCT CLINICAL PROFESSOR Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 334,862.00 $ 66,972.40
Kivelson, Margaret G RESEARCH PROFESSOR Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 332,175.00 $ 0.00
Pulkkinen, Tuija PROFESSOR Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 326,813.00 $ 138,895.53
Pulkkinen, Tuija CHAIR Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 326,813.00 $ 163,406.50
Gombosi, Tamas I PROFESSOR Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 323,280.00 $ 129,312.00
Ruf, Christopher S PROFESSOR Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 283,563.00 $ 141,782.21
Drake, R Paul PROFESSOR EMERITUS/A Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 277,145.00 $ 0.00
Rood, Richard B PROFESSOR EMERITUS/A Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 272,608.11 $ 0.00
Penner, Joyce E PROFESSOR Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 269,847.00 $ 242,862.30
Atreya, Sushil K PROFESSOR EMERITUS/A Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 256,336.67 $ 0.00
Combi, Michael R Research Professor Emeritus/a Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 240,842.00 $ 0.00
Renno, Nilton O PROFESSOR Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 238,223.00 $ 202,489.55
Antiochos, Spiro K RESEARCH PROFESSOR Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 232,875.00 $ 0.00
Samson, Perry J PROFESSOR Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 228,808.00 $ 75,506.64
Nagy, Andrew F PROFESSOR EMERITUS/A Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 228,746.66 $ 0.00
Moldwin, Mark PROFESSOR Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 214,048.00 $ 53,512.00
Toth, Gabor RESEARCH PROFESSOR Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 206,400.00 $ 10,320.00
Liemohn, Michael Warren PROFESSOR Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 203,872.00 $ 112,129.09
Ridley, Aaron James PROFESSOR Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 202,848.00 $ 172,420.80
Marsik, Frank Joseph LEO Lecturer IV Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 192,424.40 $ 67,348.54
Landi, Enrico PROFESSOR Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 191,856.00 $ 134,299.20
Steiner, Allison L PROFESSOR Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 184,725.00 $ 157,016.25
Lepri, Susan Therese PROFESSOR Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 179,505.00 $ 62,826.75
Sokolov, Igor V RESEARCH SCIENTIST Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 177,927.00 $ 177,927.00
Bougher, Stephen W Research Professor Emeritus/a Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 175,512.00 $ 0.00
Huang, Xianglei PROFESSOR Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 170,799.00 $ 128,099.25
Kasper, Justin ADJUNCT CLINICAL PROFESSOR Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 167,588.00 $ 16,759.64
Marsik, Frank Joseph ASSOC RES SCIENTIST Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 165,832.00 $ 24,874.80
Page: 1 of 5

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