The Salary Record for individuals on each of the campuses is in alphabetical order by name. The report includes all regular faculty and staff who have an ‘active’ or ‘paid leave’ appointment. The report does not include graduate students, other student intern appointments, appointments without effort, overload appointments, and temporary staff appointments. The following information is included in the Salary Record:

NAME - Individual’s name.

APPOINTING TITLE – The job title associated with the individual’s appointment.

APPOINTING DEPARTMENT - Name of the department appointing the individual.

APPOINTMENT ANNUAL FTR (FULL-TIME RATE) - The annualized full-time rate of pay for the period of appointment indicated. Not included in this figure are monies that may be received by some University staff, such as: summer teaching and/or summer research, overload appointments, extension teaching, awards for distinguished professors, incentive payments, clinical service, overtime, and temporary administrative differentials.

Please note that the annualized full-time rate is intended to reflect the annual amount of pay an employee would receive if he/she were employed full-time for the entire academic or calendar year. However, there are a small number of individuals who are employed for short periods of time, usually 2-4 months with a small appointment fraction, for whom the annual FTR significantly differs from the actual salary received. For example, the Law School annually appoints a number of individuals as lecturers, with appointment fractions less than .20 who teach during the fall term. To put their salary on the same basis as others in this report, the Appt. Annual FTR is calculated by the formula ((monthly compensation/Appt. Fraction) * appt. basis months). For example, an individual with this type of appointment who is appointed for three month at $4,000 per month with an appt. fraction of 0.05 on an 8 month basis would have a reported Appt. Annual FTR of $640,000 (($4000/.05)* 8). In this example the individual would actually receive only $12,000 during the period of his/her appointment.

APPOINTMENT FTR BASIS - The length of time services are required under the appointment to earn the annualized full-time appointment rate shown in the earlier column.

APPOINTMENT FRACTION - The fraction of full-time effort devoted to the appointment. For example, 1.00 = full-time appointment; .50 = half-time appointment.

AMOUNT OF SALARY PAID FROM THE GENERAL FUND – Reflects the portion of the appointment annual FTR paid for the appointment from the General Fund. The primary sources of revenue in the General Fund are state appropriations and student tuition and fee income. These two source s comprise almost 90% of all General Fund revenues. Numerous faculty and staff receive portions of their salary from other sources. The majority of non-general funds in the clinical departments of the Medical School come from patient fee revenue.

This record contains appointments on file as of the run date of the report, and reflects the individual’s status effective on November 1 of the given year. Although most changes in salary rates occur on an annual cycle, these data are subject to change by normal on-going personnel actions. Due to the rounding calculation for Gen Fund amounts, sometimes Gen Fund and Appointment FTR rates are slightly different when they should be equal. However, every effort has been made to make the data shown as accurate as possible. Any apparent errors should be brought to the attention of Pat Neil, Business System Analyst, Human Resource Information Services, 4042 Wolverine Tower, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1281, (734) 763-1218.

Prepared by UHR Date: 12/09/2016

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