List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: leo lec 1348
Maximum Salary:$ 355,487.13
Average Salary:$ 70,132.17
Minimum Salary:$ 40,290.00

2020-21 University of Michigan SalariesPage 37 of 45
Name Title Department FTR GF
Anzicek, Pamela LEO Lecturer II Flint Nursing $ 49,378.10 $ 34,493.68
Castile, Kevin K LEO Lecturer II Dbn-LiteraturePhilosophy&Arts $ 49,322.95 $ 24,661.52
Roundtree, Deborah A LEO Lecturer II Dbn CASL-Psychology $ 49,320.55 $ 12,330.14
Zeiss, Rebecca S LEO Lecturer III Flint Art & Art History $ 49,127.69 $ 49,127.69
Fisk, Alan George David LEO Lecturer II Dbn Col of Eng-Indust & Sys En $ 48,804.00 $ 24,402.00
Long, Brian Joseph LEO Lecturer II Dbn-Language Culture Communctn $ 48,627.36 $ 32,422.32
Foy, Thomas A LEO Lecturer II Dbn Writing Center $ 48,626.10 $ 48,626.16
Sutton, Jeremy Craig LEO Lecturer II Dbn Col of Bus-Mgmt Studies $ 48,608.96 $ 12,152.24
Wistrand, Carolyn Nur LEO Lecturer II Flint Africana Studies Dept $ 48,472.36 $ 12,118.09
Moore, David Lenard LEO Lecturer II Dbn CASL-Criminal Justice $ 48,454.90 $ 24,227.52
Booms, Stephanie Irwin LEO Lecturer II Flint English $ 48,336.01 $ 47,792.96
Kim, Traci J LEO Lecturer II Flint Dept Pub Hlth & Hlth Sci $ 48,314.09 $ 11,942.88
Rohde-Brigance, Hilda Ericka LEO Lecturer II Flint Nursing $ 48,282.64 $ 21,005.68
Sanchez-Merritt, Lydia LEO Lecturer II Flint Nursing $ 48,266.61 $ 19,089.76
Dunham, Kathleen M LEO Lecturer II Flint Education $ 47,962.44 $ 23,981.22
Werner, Sharon F LEO Lecturer II Dbn CEHHS Education-OPERATIONS $ 47,962.43 $ 44,605.06
Donovan, Jeramy LEO Lecturer IV Flint Education $ 47,807.40 $ 23,903.70
Carrier, Robert J LEO Lecturer II Dbn CEHHS Education-OPERATIONS $ 47,753.56 $ 8,356.87
Datta, Devashree LEO Lecturer II Dbn CASL-Natural Sciences $ 47,617.00 $ 47,617.00
Plavcan, Jill E LEO Lecturer II Dbn Col of Eng-Indust & Sys En $ 47,603.53 $ 35,702.72
Swift, Carrie May LEO Lecturer II Dbn CASL-Physical Sciences $ 47,602.00 $ 37,605.58
Kwak, Kyoung Hyun LEO Lecturer I Dbn Coll of Eng-Mechanical Eng $ 47,599.98 $ 15,707.99
Lange, Nicholas A LEO Lecturer II Flint Education $ 47,593.37 $ 11,764.72
Sadler, Artina T LEO Lecturer II Flint Dept Pub Hlth & Hlth Sci $ 47,312.66 $ 11,695.28
Stark, Michele LEO Lecturer II Flint Physics $ 47,312.29 $ 19,507.60
Jones, Kendrick LEO Lecturer II Flint Theatre and Dance $ 47,312.28 $ 11,695.20
Bouwman, Jeffrey Robert LEO Lecturer II Dbn CEHHS Education-OPERATIONS $ 47,312.26 $ 47,312.32
Lucas, Laura LEO Lecturer II Flint Engineering $ 47,312.26 $ 46,780.72
Ehrlich, Monika R LEO Lecturer II Flint English $ 47,312.19 $ 35,484.15
Hart, Stephanie Lynn LEO Lecturer II Flint Physics $ 47,312.19 $ 19,729.18
Page: 37 of 45

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