List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Business Administrator 125
Maximum Salary:$ 187,000.00
Average Salary:$ 112,477.20
Minimum Salary:$ 59,814.72

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 5
Name Title Department FTR GF
McCammon, Rhonda Renee Business Administrator Lead School of Nursing $ 187,000.00 $ 187,000.00
Seay-Ostrowski, Catherine A Business Administrator Lead Administrative Core $ 183,034.00 $ 0.00
Lemmer, John Business Administrator Lead ICPSR - Administration $ 177,476.00 $ 0.00
Mozip, Adeeb Business Administrator Lead VPEM Administration $ 170,560.00 $ 170,560.00
Millina, Joy Helen Business Administrator Lead School of Nursing $ 164,800.00 $ 98,880.00
Kelley, Julie Business Administrator Senior ODEI Business Office $ 159,350.00 $ 159,350.00
Richardson, Derrick T Business Administrator Lead Materials Science & Engin. $ 156,510.00 $ 156,510.00
Malaikal, Jan Business Administrator Lead LSA Chemistry $ 154,500.00 $ 154,500.00
Brainard, Patricia Business Administrator Lead Civil & Environmental Engr $ 153,047.00 $ 153,047.00
Bogdanski, Pamela A Business Administrator Lead Chemical Engineering Dept $ 150,049.00 $ 150,049.00
Wright, Cornelius Business Administrator Lead Industrial & Operations Engin $ 149,660.00 $ 149,660.00
Topulli, Besnik Business Administrator Lead Nuclear Eng & Radiological Sci $ 145,223.00 $ 145,223.00
Barnett, Jennifer S Business Administrator Lead LSA Psychology $ 143,719.00 $ 143,719.00
O'Neill, Kevin Business Administrator Lead Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 143,000.00 $ 143,000.00
Zuniga-Valentino, Beatrice Business Administrator Lead LSA Statistics $ 142,765.00 $ 71,382.50
Zuniga-Valentino, Beatrice Business Administrator Lead LSA Astronomy $ 142,765.00 $ 71,382.50
Fussman, Doreen J Business Administrator Lead LSA Mathematics $ 142,356.00 $ 135,238.20
Nemeth, Vicki Business Administrator Lead CoE Integrative Sys & Design $ 141,804.00 $ 141,804.00
Gale, Christopher C Business Administrator Lead LSA Physics $ 140,000.00 $ 140,000.00
Parrish, Kristin N Business Administrator Lead Aerospace Engineering $ 139,019.00 $ 139,019.00
Bernhardsson, Brenda A Business Administrator Lead Health Management and Policy $ 138,141.00 $ 138,141.00
Hamilton, Emily L Business Administrator Lead UMTRI - Administration $ 137,389.00 $ 137,389.00
Reviere, Talisha Business Administrator Lead Michigan Radio $ 137,380.10 $ 0.00
LaRocca, Melinda A Business Administrator Lead Nutritional Sciences $ 137,313.00 $ 137,313.00
Carlson, Charlotte Business Administrator Lead Environmental Health Sciences $ 137,088.00 $ 137,088.00
Rork, Kristianne M Business Administrator Lead Epidemiology Department $ 137,088.00 $ 137,088.00
Kubacki, David Business Administrator Lead Biostatistics Department $ 137,088.00 $ 137,088.00
Outlaw, Vivienne Y Business Administrator Inter SRO-Data Collection Operations $ 136,697.92 $ 0.00
Betz, Christine E Business Administrator Lead Hlth Behavior & Hlth Ed Dept $ 135,525.00 $ 135,525.00
Rickard, Jenny Business Administrator Lead Law School $ 135,200.00 $ 135,200.00
Page: 1 of 5

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