List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Accountant Inter 64
Maximum Salary:$ 56,697.00
Average Salary:$ 42,657.30
Minimum Salary:$ 34,509.19

2007-08 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 3
Name Title Department FTR GF
Mueller, Matthew James Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs - Gen AR $ 40,338.00 $ 40,338.00
Borinstein, Julie A Accountant Intermediate FinOps Fin Repts - Trans Svcs $ 40,338.00 $ 36,304.20
Alaniz, Lisa Marie Accountant Intermediate FinOps Funds $ 40,338.00 $ 40,338.00
Timm, Sara L Accountant Intermediate FinOps Funds $ 40,338.00 $ 40,338.00
Slater, Michelle Lynn Accountant Intermediate FinOps Funds $ 40,338.00 $ 0.00
Reed, Jacqueline Lee Accountant Intermediate FinOps Student Bus Ops $ 40,338.00 $ 40,338.00
Ziesmer, Denise R Accountant Intermediate Biologic and Materials Science $ 40,274.83 $ 30,206.12
Liang, Sarah Accountant Intermediate LSA UG:Office Interntnl Prgms $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00
Phillips, Brenda Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs - Gen AR $ 39,889.08 $ 39,889.08
Raidl, Jeffrey Robert Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs - Gen AR $ 39,889.08 $ 39,889.08
Lester, Paul M Accountant Intermediate FinOps Funds $ 39,889.08 $ 39,889.08
Beaudoin, Rosemary L Accountant Intermediate FinOps Funds $ 39,889.08 $ 39,889.08
Hussein, Hassan Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs - Gen AR $ 39,852.00 $ 39,852.00
Carson, Chad Lester Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs - Gen AR $ 39,852.00 $ 39,852.00
Dhamija, Ritika Verma Accountant Intermediate Treasurer-s Office $ 39,852.00 $ 0.00
Emery, Rhonda Sue Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs - Gen AR $ 39,852.00 $ 39,852.00
Szpara, Richard John Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs - Gen AR $ 39,852.00 $ 39,852.00
Foster, Dawn Carol Accountant Intermediate FinOps Bank - Invest Recs $ 39,852.00 $ 0.00
Sparks, Tina Marie Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs - Gen AR $ 39,852.00 $ 39,852.00
Gilbert, Kurt W Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs - Gen AR $ 39,852.00 $ 39,852.00
Belayneh, Kalkidan Gezahegn Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs - Gen AR $ 39,852.00 $ 39,852.00
Hyde, Sara A Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs - Gen AR $ 39,852.00 $ 39,852.00
Ignasiak, Lisa Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs - Gen AR $ 39,852.00 $ 39,852.00
Keener, Robert J Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs - Gen AR $ 39,852.00 $ 39,852.00
Pohl, Michelle M Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs - Gen AR $ 39,852.00 $ 39,852.00
Anderegg, Jennifer Renee Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs - Gen AR $ 39,852.00 $ 39,852.00
Murray, Alison Maria Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs - Gen AR $ 39,852.00 $ 39,852.00
Moore, Mary C Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs - Gen AR $ 39,269.00 $ 39,269.00
Sinay, Grace Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs - Gen AR $ 38,880.00 $ 38,880.00
Phillips, Benjamin Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs - Gen AR $ 38,880.00 $ 38,880.00
Page: 2 of 3

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