List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Accountant Inter 76
Maximum Salary:$ 57,165.68
Average Salary:$ 45,356.71
Minimum Salary:$ 35,700.00

2012-13 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 3
Name Title Department FTR GF
Richley, Debbie Lynn Accountant Intermediate Continuing Legal Education Ins $ 57,165.68 $ 0.00
Good, Alicia Lashawn Accountant Intermediate FinOps Student Bus Ops $ 55,857.84 $ 55,857.84
Rector, Nancy K Accountant Intermediate Population Studies Center $ 55,381.00 $ 0.00
Kline, Linda L Accountant Intermediate Dev Services $ 54,746.00 $ 0.00
Bidwell, Yvonne M Accountant Intermediate Graduate School Administration $ 54,656.12 $ 54,656.12
Barnes, Lisa Dishawn Accountant Intermediate FinOps Accounting Services $ 54,615.79 $ 0.00
Borowski, Jacqueline Lee Accountant Intermediate ISR-Accounting $ 53,124.00 $ 0.00
Neeb, Stephanie A Accountant Intermediate Dev Services $ 52,247.00 $ 0.00
Swanberg, Elaine Christine Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs & Gen AR $ 51,569.12 $ 51,569.12
Lahodny, Andrea Accountant Intermediate Michigan Radio $ 51,300.42 $ 0.00
Politano, Irena Accountant Intermediate Dev Services $ 51,299.00 $ 0.00
Ott, Brianne M Accountant Intermediate SRC-Administration $ 51,266.23 $ 0.00
Reed, Erin Accountant Intermediate ITCS-Merit Network $ 51,170.00 $ 0.00
Graham, Irena Accountant Intermediate Utility Services $ 50,403.27 $ 0.00
Hallum, Sarah M Accountant Intermediate LSA Anthropology $ 49,784.00 $ 49,784.00
Tennant, Joanna Rosa Accountant Intermediate Dbn Financial &Budget Services $ 49,458.64 $ 49,458.64
Doty, Mary Ellen Accountant Intermediate Knight-Wallace Fellows $ 49,333.44 $ 0.00
Alaniz-Keeler, Lisa Marie Accountant Intermediate LSA UG: CGIS $ 48,720.00 $ 48,720.00
Nguyen-Ho, Chau An Accountant Intermediate Dbn Physical Plant - Admin $ 48,709.08 $ 48,709.08
Vandermade, Gary A Accountant Intermediate FinOps Accounting Services $ 48,437.84 $ 38,750.27
Gilbert, Kurt W Accountant Intermediate FinOps Accounting Services $ 48,112.02 $ 0.00
Wintergerst, Lisa M Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs & Gen AR $ 48,112.02 $ 48,112.02
Brender, Karen Accountant Intermediate Office of Student Publications $ 47,850.00 $ 0.00
Emery, Rhonda Sue Accountant Intermediate FinOps Student Bus Ops $ 46,988.14 $ 46,988.14
Beaudoin, Rosemary L Accountant Intermediate FinOps Accounting Services $ 46,350.25 $ 37,080.20
Ebenhoeh, Joy C Accountant Intermediate Flint Financial Svcs & Budget $ 46,186.53 $ 46,186.53
Alexander, Cynthia Accountant Intermediate FinOps Accounting Services $ 45,875.62 $ 45,875.62
Gao, Yanlin Accountant Intermediate FinOps Accounting Services $ 45,860.85 $ 0.00
Laich, Prentiss Accountant Intermediate FinOps Spon Prgs & Gen AR $ 45,417.09 $ 45,417.09
Chen, Huimin Accountant Intermediate UM Children's Centers $ 45,021.00 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 3

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