2020-21 University of Michigan Salaries
Name Title Department FTR GR
Hill, Alena Administrative Dir Healthcare MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 150,000.00 $ 0.00
Hill, Amanda Business Administrator Assoc Dbn Office of Business Affairs $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000.00
Hill, Andrea Medical Assistant UMH East AnnArborHealth Center $ 32,880.66 $ 0.00
Hill, Andrea Student Admin Asst Sr Biostatistics Department $ 47,999.90 $ 24,000.00
Hill, Antonio UNIT CUSTODIAN UMH Environmental Svcs-EVE $ 36,649.60 $ 0.00
Hill, Brandye E Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Image Guided Surgery $ 50,253.21 $ 0.00
Hill, Brooke LeAnne Patient Services Assistant CW Oper Room-Mott-Instr $ 38,317.69 $ 0.00
Hill, Caitlin Cardiac Sono Non-Invasive Tech UMH Echocardio Techical $ 65,997.62 $ 0.00
Hill, Charletta Social Worker MSW UMH Social Work $ 56,152.51 $ 0.00
Hill, Chloe Electra ASST PROFESSOR Neurology Department $ 139,915.00 $ 0.00
Hill, Christopher L ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Asian Languages & Cultures $ 101,321.00 $ 101,321.00
Hill, Crystal Nicole Radiologic Technologist BCSC Radiology $ 52,578.51 $ 0.00
Hill, David Ryan ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CEHHS Education-OPERATIONS $ 72,618.70 $ 72,618.70
Hill, Dianna L ANIMAL AIDE Lab Animal Medicine Unit $ 39,166.40 $ 0.00
Hill, Elizabeth CUSTODIAN I Building Services $ 35,464.00 $ 35,464.00
Hill, Elizabeth Ellen CLINICAL ASST PROF Pediatrics Primary Care $ 150,000.00 $ 0.00
Hill, Elizabeth L Student Affairs Program Mgr DLHS Administration $ 82,008.41 $ 82,008.41
Hill, Elliott Patient Care Tech Associate UMH 8D $ 36,164.44 $ 0.00
Hill, Elliott Earl CLINICAL ASST PROF DENT Prosthodontics $ 132,107.79 $ 132,107.79
Hill, Emily Social Worker MSW UMH Social Work $ 58,966.17 $ 0.00
Hill, Gemma Modell ADJUNCT CLIN ASST PROFESSOR DENTCariologyRestor Sci &Endo $ 62,000.00 $ 30,380.00
Hill, Heather REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL D CW Oper Room - Mott $ 83,283.20 $ 0.00
Hill, Isabella REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C UMH 4A $ 69,222.40 $ 0.00
Hill, Jami Lee Respiratory Therapist UMH Resp/Cardiov Svcs $ 56,883.93 $ 0.00
Hill, Jeffrey Cullen App Programmer Staff Spec HITS AOM InfraSvcs-EDEM $ 131,606.24 $ 0.00
Hill, Jennifer REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C CW 7E $ 86,985.60 $ 0.00
Hill, John Architect Senior AEC-Project Management $ 98,663.70 $ 0.00
Hill, Joseph Research Lab Specialist Assoc GSA - Administration (GSA/ADM) $ 41,500.00 $ 0.00
Hill, Judy Business Systems Analyst Inter Access & Insights $ 69,000.00 $ 0.00
Hill, Kenneth Desktop Support Specialist Sr HITS AOM DeviceOps-MCD $ 69,073.65 $ 0.00

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har, sh Treasury Analyst Lead Health Science Region
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Talley, Susan Ann NP Surg Sub Engin Ctr for Academic Success
Potka, Gen MM ACU Unallocated
Riaz, Maimoonah Exec Dir MM CW Therapeutic Services

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