List of Departments

Number of people in this department: Ross School of Business 185
Maximum Salary:$ 660,600.00
Average Salary:$ 242,070.41
Minimum Salary:$ 70,000.00

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 7
Name Title Department FTR GF
Matusik, Sharon DEAN Ross School of Business $ 660,600.00 $ 60,246.72
Hopp, Wallace J PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 505,000.00 $ 479,750.00
Krishna, Aradhna J PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 452,000.00 $ 280,330.40
Slemrod, Joel B PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 443,500.00 $ 147,817.75
Miller, Gregory Smith PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 425,000.00 $ 234,047.50
Ashford, Susan J PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 411,000.00 $ 316,470.00
Westphal, James D PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 409,000.00 $ 166,258.50
Davis, Gerald F PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 407,000.00 $ 275,457.60
Duenyas, Izak PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 405,800.00 $ 282,923.76
Lafontaine, Francine PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 391,000.00 $ 119,528.70
Carmel, Jonathan Paul LEO Lecturer II Ross School of Business $ 387,572.17 $ 387,572.17
Lehavy, Reuven PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 379,000.00 $ 359,367.80
Kaul, Gautam PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 376,000.00 $ 347,424.00
Manchanda, Puneet PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 371,000.00 $ 186,427.50
Krishnan, Mayuram S PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 361,000.00 $ 224,614.20
Feinberg, Fred M PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 356,000.00 $ 243,860.00
Spreitzer, Gretchen Marie ASSOC DEAN Ross School of Business $ 356,000.00 $ 195,657.60
Page, Scott E PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 352,000.00 $ 193,494.40
Indjejikian, Raffi J PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 350,000.00 $ 298,375.00
Wooten, David B PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 349,200.00 $ 325,943.28
Rajan, Uday PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 347,000.00 $ 175,512.60
Batra, Rajeev PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 342,000.00 $ 115,493.40
Pasquariello, Paolo PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 338,000.00 $ 0.00
Lovejoy, William S PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 338,000.00 $ 126,182.16
Kapuscinski, Roman SR ASSOC DEAN Ross School of Business $ 334,600.00 $ 229,870.20
Karnani, Aneel G PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 334,000.00 $ 334,000.00
Nagar, Venkatesh K PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 334,000.00 $ 258,115.20
Williams, Christopher Don PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 328,000.00 $ 300,677.60
Yu, Gowoon PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 320,000.00 $ 320,000.00
Lyon, Thomas Peyton PROFESSOR Ross School of Business $ 313,000.00 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 7

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